Tomihiro Kono

Grey Sheep


london / United Kingdom

Tomi worked as a hair stylist in salons for 10 years in Japan. At the same time he was working as an artist called Wneon o'clock worksW with his partner – in which they explored their own creative world. They used different kinds of media such as photography, film and installations. They began to make objects and placed them in boxes, which were showcased in their exhibition titled "krageneidechse" in April 2007. A book "Krageneidechse" was published back then.
Since he came to London in 2007, he has mainly been working as a session hair stylist for fashion editorials, music, runway shows and advertising, etc. While he was working in sessions, he started to think about making various kinds of hair styles and head gears with different materials. His styles were influenced by 1920-1930s Dadaism & Surrealism art. After World War II there was an expressionism called assemblage (3-dimensional artistic composition is made from putting together found objects) which he found very interesting. He enjoys once-in-a-lifetime encounters with vintage objects and materials which have functional beauty. By observing the beauty of the objects, he finds the clue to make distinctive styles. He also thinks using vintage materials is an ecological way of creating new pieces.
These head gears he makes are for anyone who performs, sings and expresses, etc- who wants strong originality. He is happy to collaborate with artists and creators.
