White Sheep



SOULS FOR SALE is a new small Swedish clothing-brand. Made with ingredients like tons of love, fearless style, passion and top notch quality materials.
The story started started in april 2012 by the creative designer/photographer/allround-artist Loella Billner. Inspired by dreams, unicorns, sweet memories, rainbows and creative people she gave birth to a brand based on pure love and happiness!

In the far away country called Sweden times were hard, many people lost their jobs and walked around town with strained and serious faces. It seemed like people had forgotten how to have fun! "I cant stand this! I really have to do something now!" Loella thought.

Almost broke and recently lost her job she was far from giving up. Without knowing how to sew she took her last money with her and with purposeful steps went to buy a sewing machine and the worlds most colorful sparkling fabrics she could find. Everyone around shook their heads, "She has lost her mind for real this time, go get a normal job!" they said. But she just smiled back mysteriously and replied: "Im on a mission to make people happy! You will see soon! This will be awesome! "

And for a month she worked like a maniac day and night,learning how to sew, drawing, making jewelry, cutting, building the onlineshop, got her friends to act models! The first garments wasn't much to show off but after a while the started to look really good… Some goals isn´t so unreachable once you set your mind to it!

And here we are now! Hope you enjoy my creations as much as I enjoy making them! My mission is simple: to inspire, bring more love, colour and happiness to this world using fashion! I Clothing should be fun! Its not just clothes, for me its an artform & and a way of expression! For me it is not about current trends as it is to wear clothes that makes you feel comfortable and hot! Like all of you lovely creatures out there all my pieces are limited unique creations. They are also handmade by me so you will surely be unique wearing them!

Don't hesitate to email me if you have questions about anything at!: [email protected]
