Grey Sheep



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The story is quite short, and it all happened at home. My mother has two daughters whose tastes are simply exquisite. Simply put, it is not easy to satisfy their needs. This by no means refers to culinary matters, but to all the bits and pieces they love to be surrounded with. Apparently, that's what girls are used to. Sooner or later, one of them had to - tired of looking for the stylish, leather backpack - ask Mum for help. And mum, as all mums do, would do anything for her daughters. So this time too she was ready to put aside any of her other full-time responsibilities, and stand up to the task.

Somewhere after hours, in her spare time, in the afternoons she would draw, watch things on the Internet. Quietly, so that nobody could see, she would choose pieces of leather carefully, comparing the colors in the light of a cloudless day. Later came the time for the lining - the right one, the only one. Then came the threads, the cord, the strap, and the metal clips.

By then all family members had long since forgotten the daughter's whim - everyone except mother, who has always been attracted to knitting. While the rest of the family was gone, she dusted off the old Singer hidden in the attic. Putting her heart into it, and the innate attention to the smallest detail, mum immersed herself in moments of complete silence in front of the sewing machine. Listening to the soothing rumble, she measured, cut, and sew. And sew. And sew...

A course of events no one had expected!

Everyone knows how difficult it is to surprise the imagination, but that's exactly what happened this time. The girls were speechless, and the only difference you could tell between them and the pet dogs was that when checking the first backpack that came out, they just didn't smell it that much. Dad, stroking the dog in front of the fireplace, was as silent as never before - the state of mind you would least associate him with. Then the dogs began to stare. First the first one, then the other... Mum, who probably in her wildest dreams did not expect her efforts to make such an impression, just smiled modestly. The way only mothers do.

So there it was. The first backpack!

Quickly came the second one. By then, the whole family would help select each item. Mum, dad, the daughters, and the dogs: a complete and full cooperation!

And there it was - Mum & Co.

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