Grey Sheep


new york / united states


fashion institute of technology (FIT) new york.

La China Loca is the mid-seventies love child of Brooklyn natives. Nurtured by the warm glow of television, she found herself immersed in film noir, classic western, kung fu and old mobster cinema. These early experiences became aesthetic inspirations. La China bought her first felt hat when she was a student studying fashion in NYC. It was an electric blue bowler that excited her senses and sparked her fascination. After over a decade, she has returned to feverishly bringing her visions into elegant reality.

The spring of 2006 saw "The Crazy Chinese Girl" catapulted into fame as the Ladies Arm Wrestling Champion of Williamsburg, Brooklyn. She went on to represent NYC in the first nationwide competition under the sanction of the Silly Pink Bunnies in San Francisco, and emerged victorious as the new SPB Ladies Arm Wrestling Champion. Tragedy struck on June 2nd 2007 when she lost her East Coast title to the monstrous power of Coffee Cake. In preparation for the rematch, La China vowed to undertake rigorous training, which included more than muddling Mojitos and Caipirinhas. Her devastating last loss to the arm wrestler of the year at the 2008, 30th Annual Empire State "Golden Arm" Tournament of Champions sent La China Loca into retirement. This experience inspired the name of her new endeavor.
Hatting by La China Loca was spawn in 2007 by Anastasia Andino. The work has been featured on NBC's 30 Rock as well as on the heads of musicians Grace Jones, Lady Miss Kier and Madonna. All work is produced locally in her Brooklyn studio in her native town, New York City.
With faith in the universe, applying the practice of letting go and being present, La China Loca can be found on her bicycle, in her yoga practice, and passionately diving deeper into the art of stylish millinery and hatting.

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