Jiyoung Park

Grey Sheep



new york / united states



Graduation year


Jiyoung Park is a visionary fashion designer whose work seamlessly bridges the worlds of couture and ready-to-wear (RTW) fashion. She was born in South Korea and is now based in newyork after completing BFA fashion degree in SCAD. With a deep appreciation for classic, timeless designs and a commitment to heritage, Jiyoung creates pieces that are both elegant and meaningful.

Drawing inspiration from the quote by Paul Cézanne, “A work of art which did not begin in emotion is not art,” Jiyoung infuses each design with a profound sense of emotion and purpose.

Passionate about delivering powerful messages through fashion, Jiyoung addresses crucial social issues such as gender equality, the beauty of aging, and anti-racism through her designs. Each collection is a testament to Jiyoung’s dedication to inclusivity and diversity, celebrating the uniqueness of every individual.

A blend of traditional craftsmanship and contemporary innovation characterizes Jiyoung’s work. Her collections feature unisex pieces, inclusive sizing, and designs that resonate with people of all ages. By using sustainable and ethical practices, she ensures that her fashion not only looks good but also does good.

In addition to designing beautiful clothing, Jiyoung is committed to making a positive impact through fashion. She frequently collaborates with artists, activists, and designers to create collections that amplify important social messages. Engaging with her audience through social media and educational initiatives, Jiyoung fosters a community that values fashion as a form of art and a medium for change.

Her fashion shows are more than just showcases of clothing; they are immersive experiences that tell powerful stories. With each runway presentation, Jiyoung invites the audience to join a journey that celebrates heritage, challenges societal norms, and embraces the beauty of diversity.

As Jiyoung Park continues to evolve as a designer, her unwavering commitment to creating more than just clothes remains at the forefront of her work.

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