Grey Sheep



copenhagen / denmark

The brand was born out of the need for change. A new vision for menswear.

“I have always believed that clothes makes people stronger. What you wear expresses your identity and brings you closer towards your goals. Living life in a wheelchair has given me a different eye level and perspective of the world around us. I have seen the reality and realized I have to change it - and to be honest, who wouldn’t want to do that? With my imagination and creative urge I knew what I had to do. My vision in life has always been - and will always be - honing reality.”

The brand is the honed reality and aims to give menswear a new range of opportunities. A man’s wardrobe often lacks the potential of doing anything but to make sure he is not naked. Menswear needs the possibility to boost the individuality, strength, attitude, sex appeal and playfulness. The possibility of supporting your own ideal.

The brand believes in the visual seduction more than anything and brings the man into a luxurious and minimalistic world.

HENRIKSILVIUS is an ongoing revolution of menswear. It is not plain. It is exquisite.

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