Grey Sheep


copenhagen / denmark

From interview in METAL:
... Talking to Bibi she explains that to get inspiration and to prepare for a new season she usually takes some time off to go somewhere. This time she went on an all-inclusive package charter trip. She went to a destination in the middle of nowhere built up entirely for tourists. In her own words “crrrrazy stuff, never tried it before….. totally ding dong, but then again I like ding dong, so it was perfect”. 
This what sounds like a somewhat freaky experience resulted in After Tea. “Where the SS 10 was more a feeling of something hidden under the surface the AW 10 collection is a bit more wacky, like the mad hatter in Alice in Wonderland. More wired and more out of place”, according to Bibi. She continues to explain the collection as a tea party gone wrong –pieces that people would wear to a tea party– some dressed up nice, some awkward and some guests just tired. The plan was originally not to show at Copenhagen Fashion Week at all, but then Bibi got an irresistible offer so now she is busy planning a show and party with the venue Pumpehuset. And to follow the theme it will all be after tea…….

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