
Grey Sheep


istanbul / turkey


university of applied arts vienna

Graduation year


The aesthetic of Z. is pure and timeless. It is characterized by a unique way of creation, by questioning the classic construction techniques of clothing and by eliminating the seams with sensual cutouts and lines.
It formulates a respect for the human body as well as the environment.
Z. avoids using synthetic materials and values sensual experience given by natural fibers. It focuses on unique and effortless looks while offering minimal, sophisticated, subtle and comfortable designs, mostly in muted colors. The designs are also open for interpretation as the looks try to stimulate awareness and creativity.
Z. is different without being outlandish and daring without being brash.
Trying to leave the fabric as much freedom as possible, researching the boundaries between cloth and clothing, it is a quest for a new androgynous sexiness.
Seams are avoided as much as possible and garments are mostly held together with piercing pins.
Questioning the attractive and avoiding any classification, Zeynep Devooght designs her collections for conscious, curious and unprejudiced women.
The cuts and drapes are forgiving and can be worn by women of different shapes and
Z. designs for a conscious and sensible woman, who is aware of her body and her own needs, while caring about what happens around her.

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