Grey Sheep


madrid / spain


royal college of art

Graduation year


Lavina Peswani is an intricate work of art; as an artist, she has always had a passion for complexity and patterns, and her mind has always been a multilayered entity eager to shout out to the world. Born and raised in Gran Canaria, and having Indian roots, she is a true hybrid whose character has developed into a multitude of fragments, as if from an infinite number of paintings, or pieces out of a puzzle in the making.

With her passion, initiative and dreams clasped tightly in her hands, Lavina set out for a life-changing journey in Bristol, England, where she attended the University of the West of England (UWE), studying Textile Design. Something in her moved as she headed towards the end of her degree. It felt as if something urged her to continue more than it ever had. Indeed, she moved on to acquire a First Class Honours degree, and enrolled for a Masters in Printed Textile Design at the Royal College of Art (RCA) in London.

Lavina Peswani’s work is intricate and complex, and it invokes emotions via its exploration of identity and culture, questioning our existence and her personal identity. She believes that, ultimately, we are one, and through mixing patterns from various cultural backgrounds and natures, she effectively expresses every explored philosophy.

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