Grey Sheep


birmingham / United Kingdom


birmingham institute of art and design

Graduation year


I am a womenswear designer who has recently graduated with a first class hons in fashion design. I am currently seeking employment as an assistant designer within the industry and am looking to relocate to london as soon as possible.

I like Birds. The collection shows a small obsession that got a little out of hand, the inspiration behind the pieces was to do with the idea of the transition of death. My designs look to realise the moment where the spirit moves with the absence of time. The physical flight of birds from the body dragging part of reality with them. It looks literally at life’s preservation into the next stage after death. the moment that we comprehend the passing of a life. It explores imminent but not complete death, it looks at death as a channel.

Versatility is a key driving force behind my design work thus I try to work solely from my inspiration, and theme creating an all encapsulating collection. I also see fabric and surface decoration as another key component to my design every collection is shaped from the fabric combinations (birds, pegs... all sorts.)

Latest Collection

Previous collections

  • Portfolio - Diffusion

    preserving death