Grey Sheep


shanghai / china

Graduation year


Cha Gang, in chinese means water container.Founded in 2004 in Shanghai,is under cooperation of Wang Yiyang and Zhou Xia. The store is located at the ground floor of an old apartment on the No.70, Yong Fu Road, Shanghai.

The design focuses on the personal experience and native background.
In 2010, Cha Gang started men's wear design instead of that for women.

Cha Gang Men’s wear is based on indigo color and uses traditional kimono sleeve cutting as for structure, describes the imaginary body shape in the designer’s mind.

Every piece of work is hand-made individually by the technician from the studio on the Zhao Hua Road.

茶缸,CHAGANG, 在中文里是饮水容器的意思。2004年成立于上海,由王一扬与周霞合作运营。店铺位于上海永福路70号的一幢老式公寓的底楼。



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