How to increase the visibility of a new sustainable brand

Submitted by WHITE CANVAS

Hi all,

I am Marina, the founder of WHITE CANVAS. I will be happy to start a conversation about the visibility of new sustainable brands. I launched my brand this year and still try to organize everything around and get it working. And at the same time try to make the brand visible. I guess it is a struggle for all designers at the beginning as PR and communication are not our main skills.

Just launching the subject here to hear your thoughts and advises :)


I always was relaying on participating in a variety of industry events, like fashion talks, participation in competitions, and fashion shows, collaboration with young talents from related industries (photo, video, music) or simply meeting and talking to people. 


When it comes to sustainable brands, I think it is better to have your sustainability story ready and clear before launching the brand. You need to be confident and believe in what you are doing best and don't try to cover all the sustainability aspects. Focus on what is the core of your brand, because when you start presenting your brand on public events, people will start bombarding you with questions about how sustainable you are. You need to be ready to answer without going to areas that you are not familiar with. 

Hi Marina, I’m Eliel. As a sustainable brand myself one of the ways I’ve been able to increase my brand visibility is through targeted hashtags on social media. 

here is what I did, I did a research of some of the most used hashtags in my area of sustainability, and I started creating video content around those hashtags, not only did this  increase my visibility, it also made sure I attracted the right people to my brand. 


Also, have a focus. Sustainability is as broad as Fashion, having a focus helps you connect with people that believe in your brand and focus.